Hadspen and Trevallyn Substation Upgrade

integratedSCADA has completed substation upgrades at Hadspen and Trevallyn.
The Substation SCADA system is was previously based on an ABB MicroSCADA implementation. The system is considered ‘end of life’ with limited support for hardware components. Similarly, many of the existing 110kV and 220kV bays are managed by ABB REC561 devices with limited spare hardware. The Hadspen Substation SCADA system replacement project includes two significant scope outcomes;
– Replace the ABB MicroSCADA system with an open non-proprietary SCADA system based on TasNetworks current standards and specified major hardware components.
o Redundant SCADA Gateway RTU (Cooper SMP4250 RTU),
o SEL Axion Station RTU,
o Tekron GPS and Time Synchronisation devices,
o SEL 3355 Server including Citect HMI and specific engineering tools,
o SPA-Protocol Conversion (Cooper SMP4/DP),
o Hirschmann Network and Security Appliances.
o Replace the ABB REC561 Bay Controllers with TasNetworks nominated bay controlled, for this project the GE C60.

This project presents an exciting opportunity for both innovation and implementation using the next generation of TasNetworks preferred SCADA technology, protocols and best practices.
The SCADA upgrade proposed at Hadspen and Trevallyn is a unique project, which presents challenges in the existing legacy interfaces and opportunities in the next generation of SCADA innovation.


Hadspen Switchboard

Modifications to the standard design include but not limited to:
• Design established on dual (Lan A and Lan B) redundant High-availability Seamless Ring (HSR) Protocol and interfaces to existing site equipment,
• Additional non-standard SCADA interfaces to legacy protocols including SPA-Bus utilising preferred Cooper SMP4/DP protocol converter,
• Optional provisions for migrating LON protocol interfaces,
• Optional provisions to decommission existing CVT unbalance alarms scheme and devices and incorporate into new Bay Controller functions.
• Integrated design to interface existing Anti-Islanding, Synchrophasor, NCSPS, Capacitor Bank Control and Legacy Time Synchronisation networks.

Transformer DRMCC

Transformer DRMCC